
Grand Pointe East is a wonderful place to live because of our tight-knit community. We have a Neighborhood Crime Watch which is a community effort and each resident is a vital part. We are in effect the "eyes and ears" for law enforcement. We are in District 1 with headquarters on College Parkway.

Police Phone Numbers

  • Non-emergency - 850.983.1191 - Of course, in matters of life and death, call 911. You should also post the phone numbers of your neighbors to your left and right. Inform them after making the non-emergency call to law enforcement. If individuals are soliciting, ask your neighbors to call their neighbors. This will create a chain of awareness in the community.

  • Vacation Watch - 850.983.1191 - If you want a patrol car watch while you are out of town, dial this number. Also let your neighbors know so they can help keep a "look out".

Should anything occur that needs to be reported to the community as a whole, please contact a member of the Board of Directors so they may make an announcement to all of the residents of Grand Pointe East.

Watch for:

  • Suspicious people - People who hang around or look into parked cars, who go to a neighbor's back door while another waits in front.

  • Suspicious vehicles - Those that make repeated trips through the neighborhood or slowly creep down a street. Another feature are those who park in front of a home at an unusual hour. Also, be alert for a business vehicle in front of a home when the residents are not there.

  • Suspicious activity - Unusual noises, a pattern of different people entering and leaving an address throughout the day.

What to Report:

  • For vehicles, give the license plate number and state, make and model, color and other details such as dents or decals.

  • For people, give estimated age, sex, race, height, weight, and details such as clothing, hair, tattoos, and unusual facial features.